Visited Sites Cristina Erba

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Recent Reviews Cristina Erba

Profile Data

Cristina Erba
Most Impressive
Skellig Michael, Plitvice lakes
Palermo and Monreale, Petrified forest (USA)

Recently Visited WHS

Update 29.04.19

5 Countries Complete

Holy See . Ireland . Luxembourg . Andorra . San Marino .

Reviewed TWHS

Top 50 Missing Sites

  1. Cenotes of the Yucatan
  2. Cultural Landscape of Santorini
  3. Death Valley National Park
  4. Historic University Towns of Oxford and Cambridge
  5. Major Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright
  6. Marine Reserves of Sinai
  7. Neuschwanstein Castle
  8. Petrified Forest National Park
  9. Pharaonic Temples of Kom Ombo and Edfu
  10. Scrovegni's Chapel
  11. Svalbard
  12. Vers une architecture: Major Buildings of Le Corbusier